
Feb 292012

This is a powerful book of the last insights by Anthony de Mello, a Catholic Priest who lived in India and made his transition in 1987.  He was a Jesuit priest and psychotherapist who became widely known for his books on spiritualityThe Way To Love contains the final flowering of Anthony de Mello’s thought, and in it he grapples with the ultimate question of  love. In thirty-one meditations, he implores his readers with his usual pithiness to break through illusion, the great obstacle to love. “Love springs from awareness,” de Mello insists, saying that it is only when we see others as they are that we can begin to really love.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will focus on helping you to communicate with your Master Teacher.  The Master Guide is the guide that works with us in our spiritual development.  He / She is a highly developed spiritual being and would work with us on developing our awareness and knowledge .  These classes will be comprised of some lecture & discussion and primarily guided meditations with your Master Guide.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will focus on helping you to communicate with your Doctor of Chemistry.  The Doctor of Chemistry is the guide that works with our body chemistry and impresses us as to which foods to eat or avoid according to our body’s needs.  These classes will be comprised of some lecture & discussion and primarily guided meditations with your Doctor of Chemistry.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will focus on helping you to communicate with your Indian Guide.  The Indian Guide is the guide that protects us as we travel and move about in our daily lives.  These classes will be comprised of some lecture & discussion and primarily guided meditations with your Indian Guide.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will focus on helping you to communicate with your Doorkeeper who is also referred to as the “Gatekeeper”.  The Doorkeeper is the guide that is referred to in some religions as the “Guardian Angel”.  He / She take an active role in helping us when we are small children.  The Doorkeeper helps us to find things, to remember appointments and gets involved in helping us with everyday activities.   These classes will be comprised of some lecture & discussion and primarily guided meditations with your Doorkeeper.  The Doorkeeper is also the guide that works with mediumship if his / her instrument is a medium.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will focus on helping you to communicate with your Spirit Doctor. The Spirit Doctor is the guide that coordinates the band of guides that work with you on a daily basis.  The classes will be comprised of some lecture & discussion and primarily guided meditations with your Spirit Doctor.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class will cover all phases of vibrational healing including the chakras, color healing and the use of the pyramid during healing visualizations.  Successful completion of this 18 week program can lead to state recognized certification as a Healer.

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 292012

This class introduces the philosophy, science and religion of Metaphysical Spirituality.  Topics include the history of the metaphysical movement in America, the Spiritual Laws, the nature of God, the purpose of life, healing and the guidance of Spirit teachers. 

 February 29, 2012  Posted by  Past Classes
Feb 272012

L-RodsThis workshop is taught periodically throughout the year.  Keep an eye on this page for specific dates. 

We are energy beings living in a world of energy. We change the subtle energy fields around us with every thought, action, and emotion and can expand or contract those fields instantly without realizing it.   This workshop takes the ancient art of dowsing to a new level….that of Spiritual Dowsing.

Spiritual Dowsing helps us to access information that is not normally available to the conscious mind or seen by the physical eye. The energy characteristics within each life form or physical object creates a unique energetic signature that can be detected by Spiritual Dowsing.  This form of physical mediumship, when applied correctly, can help you to find lost objects, locate the energy fields of people & animals and even detect spiritual beings in your presence.

The more we understand what is going on energetically behind the scenes in life, the more we can effectively coordinate with the process.  Dowsing with L-rods can be a powerful tool to explore the world of subtle energies and to understand how we are intimately a part of the grand design of life.

In this experiential workshop, you will:

  • Gain hands-on experience using dowsing rods to physically show an individual’s energy field and how it instantly expands or contracts according to one’s thoughts
  • Look for fields of detrimental energy and learn how to change those fields to beneficial energy
  • Learn how to detect and measure the etheric, astral, mental and spiritual bodies of people
  • Detect the presence of Spirit Guides, loved ones and pets

Dowsing rods are necessary in order to fully participate in this workshop.  Professional L-rods will be available at the workshop to borrow or purchase for those who don’t already have a set.

 February 27, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops
Feb 272012

BibleThe Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John of the Christian Bible have been the definitive guide to learning about the life and teachings of the Master Jesus for the past 2,000 years.  And yet they are woefully short of information about much of his life and the origin of his teachings.

Many Christians today do not know that Jesus always remained a Jew and that it was not his intention to establish a new religion.  He came to the Earth to rekindle the message that everyone is a son or daughter of God and that they are worthy of God’s love.

Jesus was a member of the Essenes, a Jewish sect that evolved from the Pharisees.  The Essenes were the Metaphysicians of their time and were responsible for preserving the ancient texts found at Qumran known as the Dead Sea Scrolls.  Though Jesus, Mary, Joseph, John the Baptist and all of the Disciples were Essenes, the word Essene does not appear anywhere in the writings of the Old or New Testament.

This workshop will help you to learn about the following:

  • When were each of the Gospels written and who was the intended audience
  • What was each Gospel writer trying to accomplish
  • What was the real meaning of the devil’s temptation in  the wilderness
  • Which of the Gospels is really a book of theology
  • Why was the Book of Matthew placed first in the New Testament when the Book of Mark was written first
 February 27, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops
Feb 272012

Healing HandsA one night overview workshop on “Becoming a Vibrational Healer”  will be held on Monday April 10, 2014  from 7 pm to 9 pm at  Unity Santa Fe, 1212 Unity Way, (Just off SR 599).  Class  fee is $20.   Registration for the workshop can be accomplished by sending an email to Tom at .

The interest to heal someone we love and to be healed is as basic as the instinct of survival.   The current wave of alternative healing methods and programs being put into practice at major hospitals and medical centers signifies a growing awareness that our physical bodies can be affected positively by energy healing.  What may appear as miraculous is actually the manifestation of the invisible laws of nature and energy dynamics and has been around for a long time.

We all have the ability to heal and to be healed.  All that we need is intention, knowledge and practical experience in coordinating with the energies of healing.  Healing Touch, Reiki, Vibrational Healing and Therapeutic Touch use different techniques that work with the same power for a common purpose: to direct life-enhancing energy into the human energy field and the physical body to assist the body to heal.

In this experiential two hour workshop, you will learn:

  • The causes of disease and the important role our thoughts play in determining our health
  • The major energetic bodies of man and how they work together
  • How to work with healing guides from the Spirit Realms
  • What role the chakras play in the distribution of energy within the body
  • The techniques of vibrational healing


 February 27, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops
Feb 232012

AngelThroughout mankind’s history, people have sensed an unseen guidance beyond their own consciousness that has been spoken of by mystics, spiritual teachers, artists and poets. This guidance manifests in many forms:  intuition, hunches or dreams and when followed, brings benefit and blessings to one’s life.  In reality, most of the intuition and messages we receive throughout life come from our Spirit Guides and Teachers who have dedicated their time and energies to helping us as we go through the Earth journey.

Many times when we are in a tough situation or having to make a decision that will have long range effects, we are too emotionally involved to be able to hear the guidance from Spirit.  One of the goals of this workshop is to learn how to put our emotions to the side and communicate with our Spirit Guides in “real time.”

In this workshop, you will:

  • Learn the characteristics and roles of Spirit Guides, Teachers, Spirit loved ones and Guardian Angels.
  • Develop a language of symbols and colors to be used in Spirit communication.
  • Learn specific communication techniques that will help you to develop stronger links with your Spirit Guides.

During this workshop, there will be several guided meditations where you will be able to put into practice the techniques of communication to link with your own Spirit Guides and Teachers.

 February 23, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops
Feb 232012

Great Mysteries

This workshop will be taught on Monday, April 14 from 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm.  The location is Santa Fe Soul, 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building 3 in Santa Fe.  The fee is $20.  Pre-registration can be accomplished by sending an email to

The great mysteries of life have intrigued poets, philosophers, the clergy, the great thinkers of mankind and most people.  Answers to these questions have been a combination of myths, legends, intuition and one’s best guess.  Join Tom Newman as he discusses the answers to the great mysteries that come directly from Spirit Guides, Teachers and Benu, the Archangel Gabriel.

Tom has sat in over 3,000 séance classes with two U.S. trumpet mediums: Rev. Dorothy Flexer and Rev. Don Dugar over a 40 year period.  The Spirit World teachers of these direct voice classes focused on the teaching of philosophy and answering the questions of those in the class.  Some of the topics to be discussed are as follows:

  • Who are we and why are we here on the Earth plane?
  • Where did we come from?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Planning for our Earthly journey: Soul Plans
  • The reality of miscarriage and abortion
  • The truth about soul mates and soul groups
  • The role of our traveling companions: our Spirit Guides and Teachers
  • What is the nature of God?
  • What is really going to happen in 2012?
  • The power of thought
  • Finding the Akashic Records and the information they hold
  • Going home: The process of the transition we call death
 February 23, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops