Wisdom of the Ages


Steve Woods has been a deep trance medium for over 30 years and in my opinion, he is one of the best in the world at this time. I am making this evaluation with 55 years of experience observing and participating in classes and workshops of physical mediumship.

Steve came to Santa Fe in 2019 to teach workshops, do private trance readings, and to do Spirit Guide Circles in trance.  While we were planning his return visit for 2020, he suggested that we consider having Spirit Teachers teach the workshops. This idea evolved into having a topic for several Spirit Teachers to speak. We did three Spirit Talks in May of this year and they were very successful. Due to Covid-19 this year, all of Steve’s activities were done via Zoom, which didn’t affect the quality of the experiences in any way.

At the end of Steve’s May visit by Zoom, we discussed the idea of having a Spirit Talks Session each month beginning in July. Since then, the topic and speakers that Steve’s Spirit Guides have arranged for have been phenomenal and well-attended.  All of the sessions were recorded and made available for sale. Each session consists of a two CD set. The cost per session is $20, which includes all material and shipping costs.  We have decided to make these recordings available to anyone seeking higher spiritual teachings.

The Spirit Talks concluded since May 2020 are as follows:

Spirit Talks – May – Session 1 – Topic was “Soul Mates,” by Isea the Atlantean, also known as Isis to the Egyptians.  The talk was given on May 18, 2020.  Isis spoke for an hour and a half on the four types of Soul Mates.

Spirit Talks – May – Session 2 – Topic was “Teachings of the Masters of the Far East.” Talks were given on May 23.

Speakers were the Following Ascended Masters:

Hermes Trismegistus                     Serapis Bey

Hermes Trismegistus                      Andrakis Sirrati

Mary                                               Kwan Yin                       

John the Baptist                             St. Germaine

Kuthumi                                         Hillarion

Paramahansa Yogananda               Mahatma Ghandi

Spirit Talks – May – Session 3 – “Memorial Day: Voices of Our Forefathers.”

Talks were given on May 25. 

Speakers were:

George Washington                                    James Madison

Abraham Lincoln                                       Tecumseh

Thomas Paine                                             Susan B. Anthony

Franklin Delano Roosevelt                         Sacagawea

Martin Luther King                                    Neil Armstrong

Harriett Tubman

Spirit Talks – July – “From Master to Deity – 7 Ascended Beings Who Were Worshipped as Gods.” Talk was given on July 23.

Hear in their own words how 7 Spiritual Teachers were mistakenly taken to be Gods, as well as some of their teachings. The speakers were:

         Ra                     Odin          Confucius          Maitreya

         Quetzalcoatl      Athena      Serapis Bay

Spirit Talks – August – “Life Behind a Mask – How Our Role as Humans is Defined By the 4 Egos.”  Talk was given on August 27.

Hear how our roles in life directly are chosen and explained, as well as how to work with these roles.  The speakers were:

         Brigid – Ireland                   Calliope – Known as one of the Muses

         William Shakespeare         Jules Verne

Spirit Talks – September – “Living in Truth.” Talk was given on September 24.

Learn how living your life your way brings you closer to oneness.  The speakers were:

                 Leonardo Da Vinci             St. Francis of Assisi

                 St. Germaine                      El Moyra

Spirit Talks Session – October – “Seeing the Unseeable.  Techniques to Expand Your Abilities to Communicate and See Nature Spirits and Spirit Guides.”  The talk was given on October 22. The speakers were:

         Madam Blavatsky                       Relbeo – Grecian Druidess

         Pythia – Oracle of Delphi            Edgar Cayce

         Merlin – Master Teacher

Spirit Talks Session – November – “Being Grateful….Living a Life of Gratitude.” The talks will be given on November 19.

The speakers will be:

         Serapis Bey                                Mother Theresa

         Mahatma Gandhi                        Teresa de Avila

         St. Francis of Assisi

Spirit Talks Session – December – “The Family of Jesus.” – Hear in Their Own Words about Their Life and How They Shared it With Jesus.  The talks will be given on December 17.

The speakers will be:

Joseph – Father of Jesus                    Simon – Younger Brother of Jesus

James – Younger Brother of Jesus     Joses – Younger Brother of Jesus

Jude – Younger Brother of Jesus        Mary – Mother of Jesus

We have room in the November and December Spirit Talks Sessions for people to participate via Zoom.  Just send a note to Tom requesting to be added to the Zoom group.

Each of these Spirit Talks Sessions consists of two CD in a plastic holder. To order one or more Sessions, please email Tom Newman at tnewman@gte.net.  An invoice will be included in the mailing envelope. 

Payment can be made by check written out to Tom Newman and mailed to 4404 Contenta Ridge, Santa Fe, NM  87507. Or you can pay via PayPal. Tom’s account can be accessed by tnewman@gte.net.