The Teachings of Benu


Benu, ancient Egyptian for “Messenger”, is also known as the Archangel Gabriel.  Gabriel is a teacher sent by God, whom he calls Prime Source.  He was the first archangel created billions of years ago and is always in the presence of God.  Benu has tranced through Albuquerque resident Karen Cook for the past forty-five years.  During this time, Karen and Benu have given hundreds of public lectures and workshops in Albuquerque and several other cities throughout the United States.  Each workshop was recorded and had a specific topic of which Benu / Gabriel would talk for one to one and a half hours.  The remaining hour of the workshop was spent answering non-personal questions of the audience.

The results, in my opinion, are some of the finest spiritual teachings that can be found anywhere on the Earth.  Benu brings forth eternal teachings for the ages that apply to everyone, not just the spiritually privileged or elite.  He often uses humor to make a point and his words will open your mind to the possibilities of life that have eluded most travelers on this planet.

Below is the first installment of the Teachings of Benu that come from the life work of Karen Cook.   These eighty-eight workshops were recorded between the middle of 2007 to the end of 2012 and are available for purchase from the Teachings of the Angels.

Enjoy this amazing library of knowledge, wisdom and insights  brought to us by the Archangel Gabriel.  Each workshop, most of which consists of two CD’s, can be purchased for $20 which includes applicable New Mexico sales taxes and shipping costs.  To order the CD’s for one or more workshops, Click Here to download the order form.

It is Benu’s and my desire to make the his teachings available to anyone in the world who desires to learn the truths of life here and throughout the Spiritual World.