Books by Tom

Twelve years ago, Dr. Henry Meredith, my Spirit Doctor, asked me to
write three books detailing the teachings from the Rev. Dorothy
mediumship classes I attended for 33 years. That covered 1963 to
1996 from the time that I was 11 years old until I was 44 years old. He
said there are few people left on the Earth plane who attended those
classes. The classes were taught by Spirit Doctors and Masters.

The first book is now published through Amazon KDP Publishing and
available for ordering. It is titled “No One Fails Life, A Metaphysician’s
Journey to Truth” or Kindle available instantly.

The second book is written and is going through the edit phase. It
should be published in the August / September time frame. It will be
titled “The Power and Evidence of Spirit.”

The third book is being written now and should be published in early
December. It is tentatively being titled “The Wisdom of the Masters.”

To give you an idea of the book’s contents, we have listed the chapter titles.

There are 30 chapters with 185 pages of text. The chapters are as follows:

Chapter                Title Page                               Number

1.           The Day Jesus Visited the Church                1

2.           My Spiritual Journey Begins                        4

3.           When the Student is Ready                        14

4.           Truth Has Many Faces                                20

5.           Becoming a Vibrational Healer                  31

6.           The “M” Word                                            36

7.           Leaving the Nest                                        44

8.           Sarasota, the Promised Land                     49

9.           Who are We?                                              58

10.         Where Did We Come From?                      64


11.         The Nature of God                                      68


12.        No One Fails Life                                         73


13.         Fellow Travelers                                         85

14.         The Family of Angels                                 88

15.         From Hardware to Software                     99


16.       Family & Friends in Spirit                   107

17.        The Role of the Archangels                       113

18.        My Name is Andrew                                  118

19.        A Dose of Amnesia Please                        122

20.        Our Energetic Bodies                               125

21.        Social Issues:

           Abortion & Sexual Orientation                  133

22.      Can We Believe the Bible?                          137

23.      Jesus, a Master Teacher                              154

24.      You Were Chosen                                        161

25.       The “S”’ Word                                             164

26.       Spiritual Laws, Karma, and the
            Akashic Records                                         168  

27.       He Who Shall Not be Named                    172


28.       Getting to Know Your Soul                        176

29.       Going Home                                              178

30.       Where Do We Go From Here?                  182


Recommendations for Your Spiritual Journey     185