Feb 232012

Great Mysteries

This workshop will be taught on Monday, April 14 from 7:15 pm to 8:15 pm.  The location is Santa Fe Soul, 2905 Rodeo Park Drive East, Building 3 in Santa Fe.  The fee is $20.  Pre-registration can be accomplished by sending an email to tnewman@gte.net.

The great mysteries of life have intrigued poets, philosophers, the clergy, the great thinkers of mankind and most people.  Answers to these questions have been a combination of myths, legends, intuition and one’s best guess.  Join Tom Newman as he discusses the answers to the great mysteries that come directly from Spirit Guides, Teachers and Benu, the Archangel Gabriel.

Tom has sat in over 3,000 séance classes with two U.S. trumpet mediums: Rev. Dorothy Flexer and Rev. Don Dugar over a 40 year period.  The Spirit World teachers of these direct voice classes focused on the teaching of philosophy and answering the questions of those in the class.  Some of the topics to be discussed are as follows:

  • Who are we and why are we here on the Earth plane?
  • Where did we come from?
  • What is the purpose of life?
  • Planning for our Earthly journey: Soul Plans
  • The reality of miscarriage and abortion
  • The truth about soul mates and soul groups
  • The role of our traveling companions: our Spirit Guides and Teachers
  • What is the nature of God?
  • What is really going to happen in 2012?
  • The power of thought
  • Finding the Akashic Records and the information they hold
  • Going home: The process of the transition we call death
 February 23, 2012  Posted by  Past Workshops